Mission statement

Our mission is to maintain, support, and foster a leash-free, clean, and protected dog park for exercise, socialization, and education in San Francisco in partnership with SF Public Works’ Street Parks Program.


In the fall of 2007, neighbors Marty Coressel and Josh Wolf has the idea that the two-acre Cal Trans parcel on the northwest corner of Beale and Bryant Streets at the base of the Bay Bridge could be turned into a more functional strip of land for the neighborhood. Marty and Josh founded the Bay Bridge Base Beautification Group (also known as the B4 Project).

The corner had been used for surface parking in the past, but concerns about potential acts of terrorism at the base of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge left the land fenced and overtaken by weeds. Now it’s a gorgeous park for dogs and their caretakers. It’s a place where dogs spend time running around and relaxing, and where the people who support them make friends.



small dog staring into camera on pink background

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