Dogs in Need & Fireworks Alert

May 26, 2022 | All Posts | 0 comments

Mishka Cakes has been very generous to our dog park over the years. The owner has donated many of her gorgeous, and I’m sure delicious, dog cakes to our fundraisers. Today, though, we spoke and found out that she and her team have been working around the clock baking Ukrainian Flag Mishka Cakes. 100% of the sales are donated each week to Uanimals and Sirius Shelter.

“Sirius shelter in Ukraine has been overwhelmed with animals being left behind by those who have fled. @mishka_dog_cakes, we cannot stand the thought of these animals (and people) suffering”.

Please donate via PayPal to these organizations:

Visit one of the Mishka locations and get your pup the most incredibly beautiful dog cakes ever–and support the animals in need in Ukraine!

On May 26th and 27th there are planned fireworks displays. They’ll be seen and heard over the Bay coming from Oracle Park. The times are approximately from 9:30 – 9:40, however last time I noticed they started well after 10 pm.

Make all of the necessary preparations to keep your pup safe and stress-free.

Tips to Prepare your pup:

  • Play white noise or soothing music
  • Take them on a long walk before the fireworks begin
  • Offer comfort and love
  • Be sure your dog has their tag and tracking device on
  • Keep your windows closed
  • Play with a squeaky toy to distract, but don’t insist
  • Stuff a Kong with their favorite snacks
  • Try an anxiety vest, e.g., Thunder Shirt, or swaddle them in a cozy blanket
  • You can try desensitizing them, regularly, with firework sounds at a low level on YouTube, etc., and praise and treat them for remaining calm
  • If they like their crate, you can cover the sides with a blanket to muffle the sounds, but don’t lock them in

Woofs ‘n wags,

The Volunteer Team

small dog staring into camera on pink background

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